Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let Everything that has breath... Praise the Lord

Oh, how I love summer.  Sunshine and warmth are my friends.  This summer has been especially busy for some reason.  Perhaps it's kids getting bigger, perhaps its been spending time working on the HOME building, perhaps it's because my step son is at basic training for the Marines and we're counting down the days til we see him, perhaps it's because I've had so many good God moments that are keeping me charged and going. 

Today is a log of some of the spiritual ah-has I've had... 

Following some stuff with Emma, I was crying out to God one Sunday in church for her emotional well being.  God chose to touch me in a way that said... now you can see a piece of my heart, in part you feel what I feel.   And I did.  In the core of my being, I could feel his sadness and grief and pain for each of the children that are trafficked each day.  And just that brief glimpse of his heart was more than I could handle.  I was nearly sick.  Literally.  Oh....  words don't describe what happened to me in that moment, but to say that I'm changed forever is an understatement. 

And then...
I was able to take in Beth Moore and pray for hurting people that came forward, and feel God saying how much he loved me in such a joy filled way that it is still overwhelming.  He whispered to me that Emma will get "better" and my weepy eyes just stood in awe at how much he truly loves each of his children.  I also got got bond with three new friends.  Friends from the http://www.compelconference.blogspot.com/ - Compel Women's Conference, and sisters at heart.  Leila, Jill and Michelle, thanks for the fun and laughter.  Jill - next time, we're taking a map:-) 

June also held healing for my husband.  He wrecked his shoulder and when I left for Beth Moore, was literally unable to move.  Through the prayer of faithful kids (and others along the way) 24 hours later he was able to have full range of motion, no pain, and able to use it normally.  The crazy thing about healing is that we always believe it is for someone else.  And when you are healed... it's very humbling.  We processed and praised and stood in awe.  And then... my macho man was flipping a countertop (he makes concrete countertops) and hurt it AGAIN.  (It's ok to roll your eyes - I did!)  This time, God's holding out on healing..

Tom and I have been able to do some fun studies together.  We're meeting with a group on Sunday nights studying revelation and are loving it.  New perspectives and mroe anticipation for what God has in store for us!  

July held camp for my boys in Kansas City.  (And meant I got to spend 5 days (yes I said 5!) in the prayer room in Kansas City.  Emma bonded with her daddy, and I had from 9:30 in the morning until 9:00 each night to be with the Lord.  (oh, and some great girlfriends too!)  To sit at his feet and rest and soak in sweet music.  To pray and process.  To love Him.  While there I was able to be a part prayer with and over some Messianic Jews.  My heart was moved in deep places.  And to meet with some people at Exodus Cry.  (Check them out - awesome work with human trafficking!)  and to be prayed over and feel affirmations from God.  Such a blessing for me.  But for my kids... OH MY!!!  Blessing doesn't even begin to touch it.  To be surrounded by on fire kids from all over the world and to learn to pray and worship...  to commit to 1/2 hour of dedicated prayer a week... to pray healing over strangers... wow, the list could go on and on....  Such a stretch for them, but such a blessing. 

And last week, we were blessed with a teriffic family vacation.  (Well, without Kendra and Matt, but it was still pretty fun!)  Surrounded by God's beauty we swam and fished and boated. 

It's amazing to me how God blesses us and how we miss it.  Tom and I have walked thorugh some storms in the past year, but we can look back and see his hand upon us and his blessings is so many ways...  At times, breathing seemed a struggle and yet the passage, let everything that has breath... takes on new meaning.  We will praise the Lord.  In good times and bad.  In the dark night or in the brightness of sunny days. 

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