Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My little sweets....

My mom and I were able to spend a little time together today.  She had been gone for 3 weeks.  (South, so I WAS coveting!)  She and Caleb got the opportunity to read a book together, and it was so precious!  Too often I am afraid we are too busy for what the kids need.  Caleb was SO proud of having read the entire book to his grandma.  And she was so patient in listening and asking questions and loving on him.  It was a good reminder to me of what a good mom she is, and was when I was his age.  Guess I better kick it in gear a bit!  :-) 

We have been cleaning, disinfecting, and combing this week at our house.  Good thing we had a slick day and a late start.  Unfortunately, Emma came down with nasty little head lice.  Most people probably wouldn't blog about that, but I'm all about not living in shame and realizing what is within our control.  This was not.  SO....  we have all washed and combed and washed and combed.  Tom (BLESS HIM!) did 15 loads of laundry in 2 hours at the laundry mat.  (who would think we have that many sheets and comforters!  That is all he did! CRAZY!  Anyway, another 10 or so loads here and we were done!  UGH! 

To top it off, Emma ended up getting a "mom" haircut.  (Poor thing!)  Going to a salon wasn't an option until we knew she was in the clear and her hair was quite long.  Knowing we will be doing ALOT of brushing and combing for a while, I thought it might save a few tears (Hers and Mine!) if we gave it a trim.  The more I tried, the shorter it got because she wouldn't sit still.  So, it's still not straight, but it was much nicer tonight after her shower to not have her scream and try to pull away! 

This morning Emma was sititng on the couch snuggling with Meiko.  Tom made me come look because it was a rare moment when they weren't tossling and fighting with one another!  They are like siblings, argue and then love on one another.   

Aren't they cute!  God has blessed us! 

Tonight I was working on some COMPEL stuff and Emma was helping.  She wrote notes, and then posted them on the office wall.  Her own artwork!  (Or to do list, not sure which!)  I had to snap a photo because she was so proud and it was so cute!  Sometimes you just have to smile at the things they do! 

OK - Tom just got home from church, so I should talk about his day today! 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When Peace like a River....

Today I am filled with Peace like a River over my soul....

God is Soooooo Good!  I was so blessed by so many at the COMPEL conference this weekend.  The Leadership team is an incredible group of women, and I am SO excited to be able to work with them.  I got to know them better and see insights and glimpses of how truly in Love with God they are.  What a blessing.

God sent confirmations and love from some of the participants who shared some things with me that made me weep, but also gave me a sense of His great love for Me.... 

Joanna was a loving caring speaker who produced laughter and tears.  More importantly, she is an intercessor and being with her during multiple prayer times was a blessing.

Some of my dearest friends from Sioux Center came and were there with me, which meant a ton!  To be able to look through tears while standing up front and see their smiles in the back was so affirming.  God has blessed me with good friends who really love me!  Thanks girls! 

I got home and Tom, who had been so supportive and loving of the weekend and of my new role, asked me to take a weekend away with him alone to Cancun. This is something we haven't done since our honeymoon!  We love Cancun and have some favorite spots to visit:-)  La Parilla here we come!  (OH I CAN'T WAIT!)  and the orphanage will get a visit with some clothes too!

Today at church, Pastor Rick spoke to things that were near and dear to me!  It was the first time in a LONG time that I felt connected at church.  Like my thouhts aligned!  Praise God...  I was very much in need of some love for my church! 

So tonight, as I sit here, I am simply peaceful.  For today, everything is in align.  We've had a great day and I am still soaking in His presence. Thank you Lord! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How Does God Talk to you

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. - John 10:27

Ok - So I just posted this on the Compel Blog, but I had to share here.  I'm seeking more of his voice!  May he give me clarity! 

I have been looking through Joanna's book again, getting ready for the conference. This part stuck out to me, and I thought I would ask you to ponder it in preparation for the conference.

While we know God speaks clearly to us though the Bible, many of us are unceratin how to hear God's voice in our spirit. "How does God speak to you?" someone asked the aurthor and speaker Carole Mayhall. I have found her answer immensely practical and helpful:

For me, He speaks by a distinct impression in my heart. He's never spoken to me aloud, but smpoetimes the thought that he puts in my soul is so vivid that He might as well have! Many times it is just a thougth or an idea that flashes into my mind and I know it is from Him...

Sometimes a thought pops into my mind - a thought so different from what I was thinking, or so creative I never woul dhave thought of it, or opposite to what I wanted God to say to me. When that happens - and it lines up with God's Word - I know I've heard His voice in a distinctive way...

I pray frequently that I will hear His voice more often and more clearly. When I don't I know He hasn't stopped speaking; rather, I have stopped listening.

Wow - certainly made me sit down and reevaluate! I praise God and continue to pray that He would give me eyes to see, give me ears to hear, and give me lips to Speak his will!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

He's my earthly Prince Charming!

My lover is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.
                                                                           Song of Solomon 5:10

Tonight I have a new found appreciation and longing for my husband.  Too often I take him for granted.  He and Matt are gone this week to a concrete training school.  In the mist of the however many inches of snow that I blew this afternoon, and the kid shuffling and the just needing a second parent in our house, I am so extremely grateful for the wonderful man that God has allowed me to share life with. 

Why does it take his absence to make me fully appreciate his presence here?  And I'm ashamed to admit that I am much that way with God.  I don't think I fully appreciate all the times that he shows Himself to me and loves on me, until I sense that He is not right there, and then I more fully appreciate the times when He is. 

Tonight as the children sleep (FINALLY) and the weather does what it needs to outside, I am sitting in reverant awe.  Both my earthly and heavenly prince charming are so good to me.  Althought my earthly prince charming is absent this week, my heaveningly prince charming has been very near and present.  I am blessed!  Oh that I would never have to withstand a period of distance with both of them.  (You might not want to bump into me then!) 

Precious Lord - Thank you for spoiling me.  Thank you for your eternal Love and for your presence with me always.  Thank you that you are near and that you long to draw me even closer.  Thank you for your daily provision.  AND Thank you for blessing me with my earthly prince charming.  I so appreciate the new found perspective and appreciation I have for him.  You created him wonderfully and I am grateful that you allow me to share life on this side with him.