Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where have I been?

It's been a bit since I've written.  Where have I been???  Well... 

My dear husband took me on a short get away to Cancun.  It was delightful.  Sometimes it's easy to forget how much we love spending time with our husbands.  The weather wasn't perfect, but the time together was.  Wewould sit on the beach and then go to dinner and just enjoy one another.  So often we pour all of our love and emotion into our kids that we quickly become irritated with the ones we love most!  To renew that love and realize that it's ok for us to take time alone was a blessing. 

Here's a photo of Tom at the beach... 

Isn't he handsome:-) 

Then we came home to a wonderful healing conference that we were able to go to together and have our Carter prayed over!  We may not be able to claim complete healing for him, but we have seen some great improvements!  Praise God.  Even more exciting is how much he gained in his faith through the experience.  To listen to him pray and wake up and say "Good Morning Holy Spirit" is enough to make a mom smile! 

We got home on Tuesday and on Thursday my dad went into the hospital.  (Nice that he waited!)  He ended up with Gal Bladder surgery which has had some complications due to the infection he had and the blood thinners he was on.  His Gal Bladder was gangrene, so he had a bit of an up hill struggle.  Things are looking up, but we're sick of the hospital!  We continue to ask for prayers for healing and patience and good moods! 

So - where have I been...  I feel like all over the place!  Ready to settle back in to normal!  (Whatever that is!) 

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