So... today I was blessed by confirmations from God. We started the day with praying over who to take bags to. See today was the day we went to deliver some Simply Grace Christmas Grocery bags. As we were out, we were driving through a part of town and just looking at homes. I said to Mel, let's take one to that place. Just felt convicted.
Well, when she came back, she said that was the home that needed it the most. Lots of little kids under 6 or so. Anyway, we went on to a convenience store and then out to find our last assigned address, which was a bit of a struggle. After getting lost (well, you don't really get lost in Sioux Center, more just not finding what you're looking for), we finally found the right street. You won't believe it, but it ends up that it was the same place! Like we couldn't find it, and when we turned the corner we said, no way, it couldn't be the same place.... Sure enough it was. God was definately asking us to get something to this family.
So tonight I'm left thinking of his answers to prayer. His faithful ness. Even in the midst of my fully realizing how many needy people are in this town alone, how many kids are without the "good" times and things that we get to enjoy everyday, how many struggle for basic provisions, etc., I am rejoicing in His love. He has a plan and will guide us if we pay attention.
I am specifically asking for prayers for the family that we'll call 14. I just feel a burden for them and know that the Lord wants us to lift them up. I don''t know their name or their circumstances. However, God does. May they find a new place with him over this Christmas season. May his plans for him be good, not to harm you or fail you... to bless you... Oh how I pray that he blesses them!
I thank