As we close in on the tour of homes, I'm left feeling bewildered by it all! (YES, I took your word for the day Niki!) We have literally worked to finish each thing, clean each thing, and decorate in a beautiful fashion. (With a great deal of help!) While it's been a blessing to see those who have helped and supported, (including my dear friend Jill Kerby who brought over a delightful home cooked meal tonight:-)) it also leaves me feeling the shallowness of it all. We're striving for perfection with our home so that others will think we are good housekeepers and homeowners???? Seriously???
Why don't I strive for perfection with my God? I need to keep my eyes on the prize.... turn them to Jesus and find solitude in that.
Each day I feel more and more hungry for God. The songs that run through my head aren't as good as the quiet time anymore. I need more of that!
So, a tour is going through, for a great cause - cancer research. I'm glad we're getting ready, but I also want to keep things in perspective. I'm faced with the reality each day that Jesus may return. He will not care how my house looks, or if he sees a bit of dust somewhere. That is unless that dust is within the heart that he lives in.
Tonight I'm asking my accountability people to hold me true to this... I want to spend the next 3 weeks getting myself ready for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as I have spent the last three weeks getting my home ready. I feel guilty for having to even ask for accountability, but I want to seriously do some cleaning house in my spiritual walk and reunite with the God of the universe in a new way. I want to be Striving for perfection.... so that he may someday say well done, good and faithful servant!
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