I have always had a love for the last supper. I imagine sitting around the table with the greatest leader of all times. Being ordinary with him. I love to get to know people for who they are and just be natural with them. (Not one for all the formality and superficial stuff, as it's hard to get to know the real person!) I used to think that alot of this was formality. As I've gotten older, I see it more as an opportunity to see and get to know Jesus in a more personal "friendship" kind of way. While washing feet seems ceremonial to us, in Bible times it was totally natural. After all, they didn't walk around in Nike's! So I see that like us washing our hands before we eat, or going to the restroom before you get into the car (can you tell I have little kids:-)) It's just something you do!
But... how Jesus did it was amazing. With love and humility. Serving them. It's about the posture... He submitted himself. Time and again, I read this part of scripture and think - if only I could be a leader like that...
Anyway... today's verse is from this story...
John 13: 25-27
25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.
For some reason this verse opened my eyes that Satan is really everywhere. Seriously - this was the last supper. And he entered into Judas there???? Just lurking and waiting to prompt with evil thoughts... It truly makes me sad. And, was Judas really that bad? Or that different from us?
HOWEVER, it also makes me rejoice that had itnot be for the Father's plan, Jesus wuold not have allowed this to happen. He KNEW it was going to happen, and mean his betrayal and death. He had the advantage of knowing the entire story! He knew, that he would soon rise from the dead after defeating this same Satan, bringing with him eternal life! So... in the big picture, this was an important piece for the plan.
So... I can be aware that Satan is really everywhere... But, I should be rejoicing that I don't have to worry about anything but listening to God. If I am close to him,
"Father God - thank you for the reassurance that your plan is always greater than ours. Today, as I watch 2 elderly women I deeply respected enter your kingdom of glory, and read updates about a young couple delivering their precious stillborn son, I can't help but to think how great it would be to know your greater plan. And yet, satan is always there. And he brings with him suffering and pain. but you bring peace. Not comfort... we will have troubles! But peace.... Jesus had the peace of knowing that Judas was key to the plan you had for him. May this passage give all peace, that you have a plan in all things, and are in control of all things. May we strive to be humble and lead like Jesus. Really God, who hands his betrayer bread and dines at the table with him, and washes his feet? - only a humble leader! I want more of you. More humility."
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