Ok - so it's a cartoon... but, to me, it's the modern day version of the disciples fleeing from Jesus. In Matthew 26:56b we read.. "Then all the disciples deserted him and fled." This is right after he is betrayed and is being captured. help but think of the he disciples fled... persecution taht we anticipate in the end times.
The disciples deserted him... The same people he walked with and talked with. He loved them. He wept over them. And they DESERTED HIM.... Fear of man... And I wonder why I have it! As I read this, I couldn't help but to think of this as we consider the persecution of the end times. Seriously, the disciples fled... What makes me think that should the end come today that I would be strong enough in my faith to stand firm?
A bit later we read about Peter - who follow him at a distance. Now, Jesus had told him that he would deny him 3 times (and he did). But, at best, he was able to follow him in the distance. (So much for living boldly huh?)
OK - so sarcasism aside, this portion of scripture convicted me that I always need to pressing in to know him more. If I want to be prepared for persecution, I MUST continue to know him better. (So that I don't flee!)
"Father God... create in me a devoted heart. Help me to stand by you, regardless of the circumstances. I'm reminded tonight of students being shot at Columbine, Colorado for standing up to you. While we may think that we'd be that brave, God I ask that you continue to challenge me to draw closer to you. May I not get lazy in "thinking" that I'm ok with you and may I continue to be hungry for more. I don't want to deny you even once Lord... Give me a pure heart for you and you alone!"
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