First, by how proud I can be. It is so hard to ask for prayer, and so easy to let the cloud of darkness and depression linger. I haven't doubted God's love, but I have felt so controlled by the evil attacks and persecution that at times I was so numb I could hardly function. And yet, in my pride, I held my head up and kept plugging forward.
And then... on Friday, faithful friends who love both Tom and I dearly began to show what it means to be a true christian friend.
I had to work because Emma was sick earlier in the week. I let my guard down just enough to let someone see a glimpse of my heart and they saw through the facade and asked their wife to join us and pray with me. As I silently wept, and shared my heart, about my stuff, they loved me in a real, unconditional way and spent time... real time... praying over me.
One called just to see how things had gone and how I was doing. For an hour, while I drove to Sioux City, she listened and loved and let me know she had been prayer. (Smile - of course she had!)
And then I got to Sioux City and met with a new friend, who shared a newfound perspective of everything happening lately with me. (Without even knowing how her story of the loss of a child spoke to me in ways she couldn't imagine!)
Then my dear Shery smiled and hugged me and just did life in a way that said - "I know you don't feel like talking, so let's just hang together."
As if it could get any better, I drove home to meet more dear friends for dinner. (After scoring a $3 chair for my front porch! - just had to add that!) After a long wait and time in the HOME building, we headed to our house. And while the kids all played, they got real, and asked Tom to share his heart. And then, we gathered around, and laid hands on him and prayed. Not a five minute, Lord be with us prayer, but for nearly an hour, we prayed together. Empting themselves before the Lord on behalf of my husband.
You see, legal issues had been escalating, our "situation" at home was weighing heavy, and both Tom and I were struggling with a cloud of darkness that seemed to b e more than we could handle. I wanted to be there for him. He wanted to be there for me. And the entire time, we are both crying on the inside.
In the course of one day, God reached down, through the prayers of real christian friends, and touched our hearts.
Humbling, yes. Not only that they would pray for us, but that God would shower us with love in such a powerful way.
On Saturday, Tom had what we hope is some breakthrough in some legal issues. And... today, I made it through church without tears! (for the first time in weeks!)
Nothing has changed, and yet everything has changed. Now, when I whisper Satan, you shall not pass... I'm not saying it to myself. I'm not trying to reassure myself. I'm entering into battle again, versus trying to just make it through.
SO.... if you are one of the ones who was a part of our "Friday of prayer" THANKS. If you're inspired by this, please... really - I mean it.. please be real wtih yoru friends and don't hesitate to ask them if you can prayer for them and be real with them... That is what community is about. It's about not being too busy. It's about stopping when you see pain and praying. It's about not being afriad to look foolish when asking to pray for someone, (OR asking someone to pray for you!) but following the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
I had tears in my eyes as I got to the bottom. It is hard to ask for prayers, but when I'm brave and do, it never fails... I can feel God's loving arms around me and that is what my prayer was for you and it worked (imagine that)! *HUGS*