Monday, May 31, 2010

And... these TWO....

They are best buddies, and then they are never going to talk to the other again! 

My twins are so different, and yet, so insync!  We played baseball together this weekend, frisbee, water baloon fights, swimming, bonfires, speed, and the list goes on.  What one didn't think of, the other did. 

I so love watching the young men they are growing into.  They are such blessings to us!  

Emma in the pool with food in her mouth.... tsk, tsk, tsk...

What a great weekend we had.  Emma gained confidence in the pool and swam until she crashed. On Saturday, she literally crawled out of the pool, laid down on the concrete, covered herself with a towel and slept.  Right there on the heard cement!  (Oh... to be young!)  She didn't make it 3 feet and she was out!  She loves to lay on the concrete when she gets out, because it "wams her up!"  The giggles and squeals are still fresh in my memory!   

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why Me????

Why God?  Why me?  Why now??? 

Why did I get to wake up with 2 of the three kids standing next to me giggling and then jumping in bed with us and laughing?

Why did I get to sing in church today with my son as close as he could get, singing his heart out and lifting his hands? 

Why did I get to enjoy burgers fresh off the grill that my husband made for me?

Why did I get to go for a bike ride in the beautiful sunny weather with the family? 

Why did I get the treat of the entire family helping pot and water flowers and make memories?

Why did I get to take a 20 minute nap in the chair in the sun ALONE???

Why did I get to watch the kids play out front, and run and laugh and get filthy dirty? 

Why did I get to listen to my husband whisper cute nice things to me?

Why did I get to go to a bible study and fall in love with you more?

Why did I get to kiss my kids goodnight (well, except the big ones!) and tuck them in?

Why did I get to snuggle with Emma and rock her to sleep?  and then hold her and hold her!

Why???  Why did I get blessed?  Why me?  What did I do to deserve this???? 

So many times, we doubt when things go wrong Lord.  Today, I wanted to ask "why" when everything seemed perfect... 

Why do we only ask why when it's not what we want? 

Thank you God.  For pure enjoyment and blessing.  I think I saw a bit of heaven today, and I pray I'll see a bit everyday! 

How about you in blog land?  (If their is anyone reading this?)  Why you?  Why did you....  I'd love to hear....  Post a comment and share your "Why me???" 

Monday, May 3, 2010

More Rainbows...


Oh, to live life through the eyes of a child.  Tonight was the first time that I remember that all 3 of the kids RAN to the window to see a rainbow.  While we were eating supper, a rain shower came.  I commented, I bet we'll see a rainbow, and sure enough.... 

The kids were so precious.  As soon as I looked out back and saw it, they ran to the deck windows and were squealing.  I had forgotten how fun rainbows were  Carter was screaming - get the camera mom....  So I did! 

I'm a bit sad I didn't take any of them and their excitement.  Hopefully it will be a moment that is etched in my mind forever.  (It really was sweet)  Carter even asked if he could borrow my car to quick run and look for the pot of Gold....  (I promptly explained his pot of gold was his mama!) 

I still smile thinking about this.  Thank you Lord for this might reminder of you ability to change things go quickly.  From Sunshine to rain, click.  But then, you bless us with this beautiful arch of color and joy. Just a touch of the beauty you hold fo rus.  Thank you for letting us slow down and truly appreciate it.  To soak it in and to be in awe of your beauty.  Thank youf or kids who have such great hearts and can bring their  parents smiles in what seems like endless ways.  We are so blessed.  Love you Lord....

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Ahhh..... my tummy is full, and so is my soul.  I just had the opportunity to have an amazing meal, but more importantly, really unexpected, amazing fellowship.  Tom and I were with what I  thought would be a "random" group of people.  It ends up, that nothing is random in God's plan.  We enjoyed a great evening of conversation (yes, but for those of you who know Tom, his was listening to conversation:-))  We were together to celebrate life.  To celebrate God's blessings, and to think about those we can help on that journey. 

We also got to share how God is working, and what he's laid on our hearts in the last month.  As 18 somewhat not used to each other people shared their hearts, I cried.  God, this is what you want from us.  Fun fellowship and open sharing.  Loving each other and being real.  Celebrating in your goodness and holding each other in the trials.  Wow - how do we mess this up, when it is so good when we do it???  And then, we didn't just say we were going to pray for one another, we did.  YYYEEESSSSS!!!  What I continually long for was happening right before my eyes.  A group that really, really fellowshipped. 

I don't know what the future holds, Perhaps this group will never meet again like tonight, perhaps we will.  What I do know, is that tonight will stick with me.  And I will make it a point to make more of my evenings out like tonight.  Food, a glass of wine, sincere sharing, and prayer.  Thank you Jesus for the amazing night and the reminder that we can have  "Tangible Kingdom" right here.